Social Pedagogy in a Nutshell:
Social Pedagogy is an academic discipline concerned with theory and practice of holistic education and care.
The term ‘pedagogy’ originates from the Greek pais (child) and agein (to bring up, or lead), with the prefix ‘social’ emphasizing that upbringing is not only the responsibility of parents but a shared responsibility of society.
As a result, social pedagogy is a ‘function of society’ – it reflects how a given society at a given time thinks about education and upbringing, about the relationship between the individual and society, and about social welfare for its marginalized members.
Consequently, social pedagogues work within a range of different settings, from early years through adulthood to working with disadvantaged adult groups as well as older people.
To achieve a holistic perspective within each of these settings, social pedagogy draws together theories and concepts from related disciplines such as sociology, psychology, education, philosophy, medical sciences, or social work.